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Preliminary Event Schedule


The format we unveiled at MWAW2024 was wildly successful and very well received by all in attendance. We will be following the same schedule again this year, with one notable exception:


On Sunday, June 22nd, at Lake Junaluska, we will be celebrating The Fellowship's 70th Anniversary! All who are attending Music & Worship Arts Week are encouraged to come an extra day early (Sunday) if possible to participate, and anyone living in the area who would like to join us (regardless of MWAW registration status) is welcomed to join us for the celebration! Those coming in for the Anniversary Celebration only and staying over Sunday night are also eligible for the room block discount. We hope you'll join us so that we may celebrate this amazing organization and its long tradition of impactful members and service members together! More details will be available soon.


Please note that the following schedule is preliminary and subject to change. More detailed information will be shared in coming weeks.



Monday – The Garden of Creation (Gen. 2:4b-3:11)​


11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.


  • Registration in Bethea

  • Check in for lodging at Lake Junaluska properties will not be available until 5:00 p.m. We will have more information for you soon about how this process will be handled as quickly and efficiently as possible so that it does not significantly interfere with dinner.


1:00 p.m.


  • Choral Reading Session I


2:00 p.m.


  • Orientation I 

  • Choral Reading Session II 

  • Bell Reading I 


3:00 p.m.


  • Rehearsals 

  • Youth - sign up for talent show right after rehearsal




7:30 p.m.


  • Worship

  • Orientation II will take place immediately following worship.



Tuesday – The Garden of Gethsemane (Matt. 26:36-56)


8:45 a.m.


  • Morning Worship


10:15 a.m.


  • Rehearsals


12:15 p.m.


  • Lunch


1:30 p.m.


  • Rehearsals

  • Choral Reading Sessions III and IV

  • Bell Reading II and III


2:30 p.m.


  • Seminar I


3:30 p.m.


  • Seminar II


4:30 p.m.


  • Seminar III




7:30 p.m. 


  • Youth Talent Show 

  • Evening worship will begin thirty minutes after the close of tonight’s program



Wednesday – The Garden of Resurrection (John 20:1-18)



8:45 a.m.


  • Worship


10:15 a.m.


  • Rehearsals


12:15 p.m.


  • Lunch


1:30 p.m.


  • Rehearsals

  • Choral Reading Sessions III and IV

  • Bell Reading II and III


2:30 p.m.


  • Seminar I


3:30 p.m.


  • Seminar II


4:30 p.m.


  • Seminar III




7:30 p.m.


  • Organ Recital and more @ Waynesville UMC

  • Evening worship will begin thirty minutes after the close of tonight’s program



Thursday – The Garden of Re-Creation (Rev. 22:1-5)



8:45 a.m.


  • Worship


10:15 a.m.


  • Rehearsals


12:00 p.m.


  • Lunch




  • 1:00 p.m.

    • Children's Choir (Terrace Auditorium)

  • 2:15 p.m.

    • Dance & Orchestra (Stuart)

  • 4:15 p.m. 

    • Handbells (Harrell)




7:30 p.m.


  • Choral Choir - Adult, Young Adult, Senior High, Mid-High

  • Evening worship will begin thirty minutes after the close of tonight’s program



Friday – God's Garden (1 Cor. 3:1-9)



8:45 a.m.


  • Closing Worship



Please keep in mind that this is our preliminary schedule for planning purposes. Times and content are subject to change if necessary. Please watch for more information in future emails, and for the official schedule to be released closer to our event! We're looking forward to seeing you at Music & Worship Arts Week!


Seminar Information

More information will be added as additional seminar information becomes available.


Rev. Todd Pick

Worship Design

Worship Leader as Pilgrim Guide​

What would change about the ways in which you lead worship, if you viewed every worshipper as a pilgrim? A pilgrim people are those who seek a whole-bodied experience of the living God. On most spiritual journeys there is a guide to point out places of re-orientation and times of significance. As we lead in worship, how might we be the pilgrim guides for those who have walked through our doors? How do we encourage our people to lighten their load for the journey so they can focus on every step? What trappings and traditions might we leave behind as we journey together to the heart of God in Christ Jesus?


Sacred Placemaking​

Have you had a vision of making your worshipping place, your church building, your services more radically hospitable? Are you looking for ideas to open a pray-ground, a family comfort room, a sensory space for your neurodivergent kiddos? This workshop will give you some practical ways to let visitors know from the moment they walk through your doors that you have thought and prayed about them joining your church on a journey of faith.


Worshipful Words​

In a world full of words that confuse, destroy, and divide, how do we find words of healing and wholeness, of goodness and grace? All our words matter, but the words we choose to use in worship are especially important. In this workshop, we’ll explore ways we can bless the world with words that speak life as we craft liturgies for use in corporate worship.


Rev. Dr. Beth LaRocca-Pitts


Preaching as Translation

This seminar will focus on how to find the core meanings of a text and bridge the gap between their ancient and modern expressions. The nature of Hebrew and Greek language and modes of expression will be discussed as will pitfalls to avoid when seeking new meanings for particular texts.


Series vs. Lectionary: You Don’t Have To Choose

This seminar will discuss worship planning for solo pastors as well as pastors who work on staffs. Methods for including multidisciplinary viewpoints and media will be discussed as will special seasons and the services they call for.


Preaching and Storytelling

This seminar will discuss the use of storytelling in preaching— both one’s own stories as well as those of others. Do’s and don’ts of attribution as well the proper use of story sources will be covered.

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Dr. Patrick Pope


Practical, Beautiful, Useful, Tuneful: Keyboard Music for Worship Services

Organists, pianists, and keyboardists have the responsibility of providing music for worship services each week, and sometimes "the well runs dry" in terms of finding pieces to play. This seminar will be a session where I offer a glimpse of a variety of keyboard pieces appropriate for worship -- some of my personal favorites, as well as recently published works.


Helpful Hints To Refresh Your Service Playing

The most important work that keyboard musicians do in a worship service is to effectively and sensitively lead and support congregational singing. How do you keep hymns and other pieces of sung congregational music fresh and new? This seminar will offer some insight and some practical tips on how to keep your hymn playing clean, clear, and energized. Participants will be encouraged to hop on the organ bench and give some things a try (if they wish!). My goal for this seminar is for it to be a combination of demonstrating techniques, and then allowing attendees to participate as they are comfortable.

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Carrie Chavarria

Worship Visuals

Starting a Worship Arts Ministry

If you’re curious about where to start and want to know more, join us as we tackle the question of “how do I get started?” We will discuss how to frame your work as a worship artist, where to find inspiration, where to find materials, and how to help recruit other volunteers.


Sizing Up Your Space

Ideas will be offered for taking mountain top experiences of Worship Conferences (like Junaluska)and adapting them to your context/space. We will explore how to reimagine or scale up/down ideas gleaned from other artists to complement your faith community’s space and needs.


Worship Arts as Poetry

Hands-on experiences will spark fresh ideas for your faith community. We will share ideas and create visuals together based on a variety of worship series.

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Victor Johnson

Adult Choir Clinician

We Are Family

Activities and Strategies for building community in your choir.


A Mixed Bag of Choral Quick Fixes

Innovative and “fun” techniques for use in the children's choir rehearsal.

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Sarah Elizabeth High

Middle High Choir Clinician

The Aging Choir Member

Navigating members with dementia and other memory loss. How do we help our older choir members who don't remember things "like they used to" and help cope with those who are showing signs of dementia. Bishop Ken Cardar (SC) will be a guest speaker. 


Assessment in the Choral Rehearsal

From low-stakes to high stakes assessment for school choral programs, church choirs and community singers. These strategies will help you assess your choir members as groups and individuals. 


Margaret Heron

Older Elementary Choir Clinician

Planting Seeds of Beauty

This session will explore numerous songs, methods, and teaching approaches to instill beauty in the choral sound. From the very first rehearsal of beginning to advanced singers, this session will help you serve your singers and better ensure quality tone and technique.


Growing With Grace

In this session, we will discuss ways to grow your program, keeping the spiritual aspect as the center. Attendees will have the opportunity to share ideas on how to grow and maintain a healthy church music program.

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Sandra Eithun

Bronze Level Handbell Clinician

More with Less: Resources for Small Groups

Come read through several selections of music specifically chosen for when you are shorthanded, want to participate in summer worship or possibly want to take the show on the road to venues where tables are not available or advised. These settings use 8, 10 or 12 bells, and some can be rung entirely on chimes. Several of the selections will have optional keyboard parts to fill in and enhance the bell parts.


Five Minutes or Less

If you’d like to incorporate handbells into your worship service outside of full ensemble works, this class will offer some ideas to make that happen with both experienced musicians and those who are ultra beginners and do not yet read music. Several of the enhancements can be done right before a service with limited instruction or the commitment of a full rehearsal. We will explore ideas for:


  • enhancing hymns, Bible verses or dramatic readings

  • incorporating singing bell, random ringing and open intervals through pentatonic hymns

  • hymn accompaniments

  • processionals and peals

  • accompanying an instrumentalist, a scripture or Bible story

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Hyosang Park

Copper Level Handbell Clinician

Got Two Hands...

How Many Bells! Learn to weave! You can manage more than two bells with two hands.

Ring it Right and Make it Beautiful!

Learn techniques that are unique to handbells.

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Karen L. Watkins-Rios

Dance Clinician

Embodied Worship

What does it mean to be a visual representation of worship so that it appears as if music, scripture, and liturgy are being expressed as a living example of worship?  The goal of this seminar will be to unpack how worship is embodied through the examination of simple and complex patterns of movement that convey emotion, intention, and soulful expression for both the artist and congregation.  


Mindful Movement and Physical Fitness as a Liturgical Dancer

How do dancers maintain physical strength, flexibility, and mindfulness as worshipers so that their bodies can continue to be a conduit for worship?  This seminar will use modalities of yoga and also discuss the importance of maintaining baselines of fitness and nutrition, utilizing technique, and making time to keep our physical instruments tuned in order to stay free from injury.


How to Register

Learn everything you need to know about the Music & Worship Arts Week registration process. 

Reserve Your Rooms

Make your reservations at Lake Junaluska today, and then register for
Music & Worship Arts Week!

Register Today

Don't delay! The Early Bird registration prices are in effect through February 28, 2025. Register today!
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