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Read through our 


Learn About the Registration Process:

or go straight to registration!

Q. How do I select my rehearsal group or participation type?

A. After you select your ticket(s), you will move into the checkout portion of registration. This is where you will fill out all information regarding who you are and which rehearsal or participant group you are a part of.


Q. Once I've selected my tickets, how long do I have to complete my registration?

A. 30 Minutes – so have all of the information collected for every member of your party before beginning your registration.


Q. What information do I need to have before I fill out the register form?

A. Once you've selected your tickets and hit "checkout," you will need the following information for each person you are registering:

  • Full Name

  • Email address (for minors, please input a parent or legal guardian's email, or the group leader's email, so that all correspondence regarding MWAW goes to the responsible party).

  • Home Address

  • Phone Number

  • Preferred Name for Badge

  • Preferred Pronouns

  • Emergency Contact Info (including name, phone number, and whether this individual will also be at Music & Worship Arts Week)

  • Rehearsal group (Dance, Handbells, Orchestra, Younger Elementary Choir, Older Elementary Choir, Middle High Choir, Senior High Choir, Young Adult Choir, Adult Choir, Chamber Choir, Adult Observer, Guest, or Chaperone). Groups listed in bold are making a return in 2025!

    • If you select Chamber Choir, our MWAW leadership will be in touch with you following receipt of your registration to share more details with you. The Chamber Choir is an auditioned choir, and information about this process will be included in their communication.

  • Instrument you'll be bringing if selecting the Orchestra

  • Answer to Photography / Publicity Waiver*

* For individuals and families who are registering, the publicity waiver can be answered in the online registration form. For large groups with multiple minors not related to the responsible adult parties, physical waivers will need to be signed by the parent / legal guardian of each minor and brought to Lake Junaluska. The waiver can be found here.


Q. Do I have to register each person separately?

A. NO!!! We are excited to tell you that you can once again register your entire party at the same time - whether it's 2 people, 5 people, or 30 people. But don't forget the 30 minute time frame! If you have a particularly large group – more than ten people – and are concerned with the please contact Erica Rushing at so that she can provide you with additional registration options.


Q. Is the group registration process different from the individual / family registration?

A. NO! You can register your entire group (up to 50 people) at one time. But you will need to bring a physical copy of a signed Photography / Publicity Waiver for each minor in your group who is being accompanied by an unrelated adult(s).


Q. Why is there a service fee attached to my registration?

A. Service fees are standard in today's internet commerce. Whether it's through a credit card, PayPal, Apple Pay, or any other payment facilitator, websites are assessed processing fees for taking payments. The websites then pass that fee on to its users, and we are unable to remove that fee.


Early Bird Discount Window:


Q. How long is the Early Bird Discount available?

A. Until March 31, 2025. Housing discounts will remain available until May 21, 2025.


Housing Discount Questions:


Q. Which properties does the housing discount apply to?

A. The Terrace Hotel and Lake Junaluska Apartments


To book your room(s) at The Terrace Hotel or Lake Junaluska Apartments, please click here.


Q. Do I need to book my accommodations before registering?

A. We recommend it, so that you can make sure that you are able to secure space in one of the two applicable properties. If you use the code and are not able to find room in the Terrace Hotel or Lake Junaluska Apartments, we will send you an invoice for the difference in ticket price.


Q. How do I apply the housing discount?

A. When you are selecting your adult tickets (member or non-member), click on the More Info button under the name of your ticket. The housing discount coupon code will be listed there. You can apply that code during the checkout process.


Q. Who is eligible for the discount?

A. Adult tickets only (member and non-member).


Q. Does the discount apply if I'm staying someplace else on, or around, Lake Junaluska – like The Lambuth Inn, the campground, or an AirBnB?

A. No, it does not. If you incorrectly apply a housing discount coupon code, but are not staying at The Terrace Hotel or Lake Junaluska Apartments, an invoice will be sent to you for the difference in ticket price.


Q. When does the housing discount end?

A. May 21, 2025, when Lake Junaluska releases any unbooked Fellowship block rooms back to open booking.


Q. Why are room blocks available on Sunday, June 22nd, if the event does not officially begin until Monday, June 23rd?

A. There are two reasons for this: Some groups have to travel from distances which make arriving Monday morning impractical. This adjustment allows folks to arrive the night before and still receive the room block rate. This additional night is also an added advantage because we will be hosting our Fellowship 70th Anniversary Celebration at Lake Junaluska on Sunday night, and additional members – past and present – may decide to join us for this celebration and can also receive this room block discount.


To make your reservations at Lake Junaluska, click here!


Additional Questions:

Q. Is there day care being offered this year?

A. Yes! We are thrilled to announce that we will be offering child care for little ones between the ages of 2 and 5 years old whose parent(s) is a registered attendee of MWAW2025. To register your child(ren) for child care, please proceed to the child care registration section at the end of this page.

Q. Has the makeup of the Children's Choir changed this year?

A. Yes. We are dividing our children's choir back into a Younger Elementary Choir (Completed K - 2nd) and an Older Elementary Choir (Completed 3rd - 5th) Youth who have just completed 6th grade have the choice of participating in either the Older Elementary Choir OR the Middle High Choir. Those who participate in the Older Elementary Choir must be signed in and out of the building by a parent/chaperone. Sixth graders in the Middle High Choir are assumed to be mature enough to find their way to and from choir.


Q. Will MWAW2025 be offering the Chamber Choir option?

A. Yes! If you select Chamber Choir during the registration process, our MWAW leadership will be in touch with you following receipt of your registration to share more details with you. The Chamber Choir is an auditioned choir, and information about this process will be included in their communication.


Q. Why don't I see information about t-shirts?

A. We will be sending an email out to all registrants in 2025 with a mockup of the t-shirts and the opportunity to place your order.


Q. What if I'm not staying at The Terrace Hotel or Lake Junaluska Apartments, but want to purchase a meal plan so that I can eat with everyone?

A. When we send out the t-shirt information, the opportunity to purchase the meal plan will also be included in the email. For planning purposes regarding prices, you can visit the Lake Junaluska Fellowship Accommodations Page for more information.


Q. What is the refund policy for Music & Worship Arts Week 2025?

A. The Refund Policy is as follows:

  • Refunds requested between prior to March 23, 2025 are eligible for a 100% refund.

  • Refunds requested between March 24, 2025 - May 22, 2025 are eligible for a 50% refund.

  • Refunds requested on or after May 23, 2025 are NOT eligible for a refund.

If you have any additional questions about the registration process, please email, and we will respond to you as soon as possible.


Q. I see that the price of the event has risen since last year. Why is that?

A. The Fellowship has worked diligently to keep the prices of our event registration low through the tumultuous events of the last five years. We have not risen prices is several years, and in fact, reduced prices last year, even as it meant we were operating at a loss on the event. Costs for Lake Junaluska have risen, as have the costs of music, printing, and supplies. We have done our due diligence to make sure that our price increase this year is in keeping with the cost of other similar events, and have worked to keep the prices as low as possible without jeopardizing The Fellowship's financial future. Our ability to provide a meaningful opportunity for faith formation, personal growth, education, and Fellowship, is our utmost priority, and we are exceedingly grateful to be able to continue offering this event to worship artists of all ages.


Join Us

The story of our relationship with the Divine begins in a garden, planted by God, teaming with life; the tree of knowledge of good and evil at its center. God walked with us there, searched for us there, longed to be with us there. And the story of the power of God's love for us – a love stronger even than death – begins in yet another garden, where the resurrected Jesus is mistaken for the very gardener himself. Our story ultimately ends in a garden with the creation of a new heaven and a new earth, with a tree of life at its center and the water of life running through it. The garden is the place where we learn to cultivate the gospel; where we learn what fruitfulness and faithfulness look like from soil and seed; from bushes and branches. It is here, with God the Gardener, that we learn to live, to grow, to be harvest, to die...

and how to begin, anew.

Join Us

Child Care Registration

When we say that our week together is a multi-generational event, we mean it...and we are committed to making that as meaningful as possible for everyone. We are inspired by the parents who bring their little ones with them to Music & Worship Arts Week, as well as those whose children stay at home during their week at the lake. In both cases, tough decisions have to be made, schedules have to be balanced, and details are constantly in flux. To make things a little easier, we are offering FREE child care for children between the ages of two (2) and five (5) whose parents are registered for MWAW2025. Please register your child(ren) below. We are blessed many times over when little hearts and voices join us in community, and when their parents are able to give of themselves more fully by having some of the details handles ahead of time.

If you need to register more than three children from your family who are between the ages of 2 and 5, please email for more information.

Child's Age
Do you have another child to register?

Chamber Choir Auditions

Thank you for your interest in auditioning for the Music and Worship Arts Week Chamber Choir. 
The audition will consist of three parts: vocalise for range and quality; pattern repetition; and singing Bach Chorale 272.  You will find the audio files and the music and lyrics for the Bach chorale below.

Auditions for the Chamber Choir require that you follow the directions provided in the audio file exactly. When you are finished creating your audition recording, please submit your recording by using the form at the bottom of this audition section. If you have any questions regarding this process, please email

Alto - Bass Audition
Audio File

Bach Chorale 272
Sheet Music

Soprano - Tenor Audition Audio File

Audition File Submissions

Which vocal part are you auditioning for?
Have you participated in the Chamber Choir for Music & Worship Arts Weeks in previous years?
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