God the Gardener
Music & Worship Arts Week (MWAW) is a multi-generational event hosted by The Fellowship of Worship Artists in the beautiful mountains of North Carolina at Lake Junaluska. This annual event is designed for worship leaders, musicians, artists, dancers, actors, and pastors of all denominations who seek education and renewal in a spirit of inclusivity and grace. All are welcome as we walk together through this year's theme: The Gardens of God.
The story of our relationship with the Divine begins in a garden, planted by God, teaming with life; the tree of knowledge of good and evil at its center. God walked with us there, searched for us there, longed to be with us there. And the story of the power of God's love for us – a love stronger even than death – begins in yet another garden, where the resurrected Jesus is mistaken for the very gardener himself. Our story ultimately ends in a garden with the creation of a new heaven and a new earth, with a tree of life at its center and the water of life running through it. The garden is the place where we learn to cultivate the gospel; where we learn what fruitfulness and faithfulness look like from soil and seed; from bushes and branches. It is here, with God the Gardener, that we learn to live, to grow, to be harvest, to die... and how to begin, anew.
Each morning's opening worship service will offer an opportunity to encounter our living God as we are guided through the gardens of Creation (Gen. 2:4b-3:11), Gethsemane (Matt. 26:36-56), Resurrection (John 20:1-18), Re-Creation (Rev. 22:1-5), and, finally, God's Garden (1 Cor. 3:1-9), by the members of our worship design team. The incomparable beauty of the surroundings around Lake Junaluska will serve to extend our walks through God's gardens as we journey between rehearsals, meals, seminars, and fellowship gatherings.
Music & Worship Arts Week (MWAW) will also offer the opportunity to work with and learn from renowned leaders in the fields of worship arts, make new friends and reconnect with colleagues, be renewed in a beautiful setting, and worship daily in creative and inspiring ways. Much like the gardens of the Bible or the gardens of your own life, our week together has been described as "one of the most palpable examples of God's artistic gifts at work." This multi-generational event is designed for worship leaders, musicians, artists, dancers, actors, and pastors of all denominations who seek education and renewal in a spirit of inclusivity and grace. It is a place to be nurtured and a place to grow.​​
Join us as we are reminded of what it means to be rooted in God's love so that we may rise up and serve this world, and offer peace and refuge to all who walk the world with us. Take some time to learn more about this transformative event and then register today! Early bird registration ends on February 28th!
Event Highlights
The Fellowship's 70th Anniversary Celebration
Inspiring daily worship services
Engaging seminars with world renown clinicians
Chamber Choir is back!
Child care is being offered at no additional cost to you!
Child care is being offered for children 2-5 years old whose parent(s) is a registered attendees of MWAW2025. ​To register your child for child care, please click here.
With such a large Children's Choir last year, we are once again offering an Older Elementary Choir and Younger Elementary Choir!
Choral, dance, orchestra, and handbell concerts performed by children, youth, and adult participants
Organ recital on the Casavant organ at Waynesville First UMC
Choral, handbell, and organ music reading sessions
Annual youth talent show
And more...
Click here to see our event schedule! Seminar titles and descriptions will be shared in the coming weeks! Stay tuned!
The Fellowship's 70th Anniversary Celebration
On Sunday, June 22nd, in the Susanna Wesley Garden at Lake Junaluska, we will be celebrating The Fellowship's 70th Anniversary. This is an opportunity to come together in fellowship and friendship, celebrate the incredible legacy of this organization, and look forward to all that the future holds as we continue to cultivate and equip worship artists in transforming the world through worship.
If you are planning to attend Music & Worship Arts Week, we encourage you to arrive on Sunday afternoon for our evening celebration! This is a wonderful opportunity to get to know other attendees, or spend meaningful time with longtime friends before MWAW officially begins.
If you live in surrounding areas but cannot commit to the entire event week, we hope you will consider joining us on Sunday evening for our 70th Anniversary Celebration. Should you choose to stay overnight after the celebration, your stay is also eligible for our MWAW room block rates.
More details will be provided in a future 70th Anniversary email. If you have questions, please email Erica Rushing directly at erica.rushing@thefellowshipowa.org.

Encounter Jesus
Music & Worship Arts Week: An Investment Worth Making
Written by Kathy Ritchie Toole
Each year, there is a migration into the heart of the mountains of North Carolina of church musicians, choir members, dancers, handbell ringers, visual artists, worship committee members, pastors, and more. Spanning generations, children, youth, and adults all find a place to explore and grow as they practice their particular passions in worship arts with others...
How to Register
Learn everything you need to know about the Music & Worship Arts Week registration process.
Reserve Your Rooms
Make your reservations at Lake Junaluska today, and then register for
Music & Worship Arts Week!
Register Today
Don't delay! The Early Bird registration prices are in effect through February 28, 2025. Register today!