Make A Donation
The Fellowship is able to continue its mission because of your support and generosity. By contributing to a campaign listed below, you'll help ensure that our work continues. Online donations are quick and easy using our secure credit card transactions. We welcome donations of all sizes and payment plans – whether it's a one-time gift, a monthly contribution or part of a matching gifts program.
Annual Fund Donation
What is the Fellowship Annual Fund?
The Fellowship Annual Fund supplements the operating budget on an annual basis, assists with membership benefits and invests in the financial future of the organization.
It supplements the operating budget on an annual basis.
It assists with membership benefits.
It keeps membership fees lower for all.
It invests in the financial future of the organization.
If contributing by check, please send your tax-deductible contribution to:
The Fellowship
P.O. Box 24787
Nashville, TN 37202
For additional information, contact the national Fellowship office at 1-800-952-8977 or via our contact form.